Śrīla Gaurakiśora dāsa Bābājī Disapperance

Bābājī Maharāja displayed an incredible level of renunciation from this material world. Even though it appeared that Gaura-kiśora dāsa Bābājī was not a learned Sanskrit scholar, still the purport and conclusions of all scriptures were luminous in his heart and character proving the truth that spiritual understanding has nothing to do with mundane learning.

In his manifest pastimes Śrīla Gaura-kiśora dāsa Bābājī Mahārāja exhibited a relentless, acute detachment and indifference to the material world. On the other hand, when he took occasion to extol the unlimited glories of the Holy Name and point out the varieties of cheating and hypocrisy of so-called renunciates, as well as to reveal the inherent uselessness of endeavors for material happiness, his preaching was always effective and penetrating for his sincere hearers. Even though it appeared that Gaura-kiśora dāsa Bābājī was not a learned Sanskrit scholar, still the purport and conclusions of all scriptures were luminous in his heart and character proving the truth that spiritual understanding has nothing to do with mundane learning. Although outwardly almost illiterate and seemingly blind, scholars would approach him for the proper siddhānta (conclusion) of difficult philosophical issues, and they always received perfect explanations.

Festival Donation Opportunities

Annadānam Sevā
Be a sponsor of the special mahā-prasādam offered to Śrī Śrī Rādhā Madanamohana on the auspicious Deepavali.
Outright Contribution
General contribution to this festival in support of the transcendental Deepavali
Join As a Patron
Contribute towards decorating the Deities of Śrī Śrī Rādhā Madanamohana with colorful flower garlands on the day of Deepavali

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Volunteering Opportunities

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Thank you for considering this opportunity to join our team and help make this festival successful.
Hare Kṛṣṇa

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